Expert Webinars
The Vitamin Consultancy provides detailed webinar training in key areas relating to the marketing and use of dietary ingredients. The FDA now requires training which the Vitamin Consultancy Webinars can provide!
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Medical Foods
The Orphan Drug Act of 2005 created a new Regulatory Category involving physicians and dietary supplements, trumping state medical board restrictions. Most vitamin companies and doctors have never even heard about this powerful new law. This webinar defines the scope, nature and requirements for Medical Food use and shows physicians how to integrate dietary supplements and Medical Foods into their practices. It provides important information to dietary supplement purveyors who want to sell into this growing market.
There are forbidden words when it comes to speech about dietary supplements and natural remedies. Some of those words have been determined by Congress, others by the FDA or FTC. This webinar exposes those disallowed terms and shows their alternatives. This is a key to successful marketing of dietary ingredients.
Ministry & Healing
For centuries, since, for example the Herbalists Charter of the mid 1500s, alternative therapies have often been offered in the context of religious belief. Every US State Medical Practices Act has a specific exemption for ministerial healing. This webinar explores the history and current status of "Ministering to the Sick and Suffering..." with concrete advise to ministerial counselors and healers.
SOPs & Certification Program
The SOP Certification Program is designed to meet Section 111.14(b)(2) of the FDA Regulations, by providing not just the Standard Operating Procedure format vetted by the FDA, but also by training your staff in using the systematic approach to business required of any company that sells food products, and then by testing and certifying the members of your staff. This is the essential program you need.
List of Current Webinars (2019)
CAM Cautions
Cosmetic Safety Dossier Introduction
DS & Medical Foods for Physicians
Food Safety Plan - PCQI Training
Health Claims
Labeling and Packaging Specifications
Lawful Copy Writing
Minister CAM Practices
NGO Formation
Quality Control
Record Keeping for GMPs
SOP1: Introduction
SOP2: Section 1
SOP3: Section 2
SOP4: Conclusion
SOPs Certification Test
SOPs Certification Test for HCPs
SOPs for Health Care Practitioners
STS: Specifications, Tests, Samples
Terms of Use
Therapy is Not Treatment
Webinar Website Guide
Wellness Coaching